How to Set Up and Use Microsoft Authenticator

Greater security and privacy safeguards for you, our clients, and customers are among our top priorities. Because of this, we use MFA (Multi-FactorAuthentication) to access our accounts and our VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure).

To set up Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile device use the QR code provided just below to download. Or simply by searching the store (Google Play or App Store) for Microsoft Authenticator app.

Select “Add and Account” and the choose to log in using a “work or school account”

  • You will use the following to log in:
  • Your email:
  • Your password: The password used here will your VIPdesk credentials password set on Microsoft MyAccount.

Now let's head over to your computer screen and log into MyAccount on your computer. Once again using your VIPdesk credentials from the options displayed select "Security Info"

From this screen please select:

 Choose “Authenticator App:

A joyful wizard will pop up and walk you through these next steps, just be sure to have your phone ready to scan the QR code!



More Information:

What is Microsoft Authenticator?

Microsoft Authenticator is a free security app that can protect your accounts against password theft. No data is collected from your device or shared with anyone and usage consumes no data.

The app generates a random code used to verify your identity when you're logging into various services and provides an extra level of security. 


Why do we need Multi-Factor Authentication?

Login credentials are more valuable than ever and are increasingly easy to compromise. Over 90% of breaches today involve compromised usernames and passwords.

Two-factor authentication enhances the security of your account by using a secondary device to verify your identity. This prevents anyone but you from accessing your account, even if they know your password.


If you have any questions or concerns please let me know! We will be happy to answer any questions you may have on Microsoft Authenticator or two-factor authentication!






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