Sometimes the things we hope will help us can hurt us the most! This is true of both CCleaner and Malwarebytes. It happens when either program is left to actively monitor.
This can cause issues with Zipwire, BrightPattern, and Avaya.
Let's check (or rather uncheck) a few quick settings that will assist in errors that active monitoring may cause:
For CCleaner you can either launch the program from your Windows menu or right click if it is running in your hidden icons in your system tray:
- Right click and then open CCleaner, then click Options > Monitoring
- Disable System Monitoring by unchecking Enable System Monitoring
- Disable Active Monitoring by unchecking Enable Active Monitoring.
- Click Yes when the confirmation box appears
For Malwarebytes you will launch it either by right clicking in your hidden icons, or in your Windows menu. The settings to look for are below you want these unchecked.
- Start Malwarebytes Anti-Malware with Windows: If this setting is unchecked, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will not start with Windows.
- Enable Malware Protection when Malwarebytes Anti-Malware starts: If left unchecked, real-time Malware Protection will not start automatically when Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is launched.
- Enable Malicious Website Protection when Malwarebytes Anti-Malware starts: If left unchecked, real-time Malicious Website Protection will not start automatically when Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is launched.